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English translation for "绕场一周"

go round the stadium 短语和例子

Related Translations:
绕场行进:  grand march
绕场进场:  circling approach
差绕场:  differential wound fielddifferential-wound field
绕场动作:  circling maneuver
绕场灯:  circling guidance lights
绕场进场着陆:  circling approach
绕场进场区:  circling approach area
运动员绕场一周:  the athletes marched around the arena
绕场著陆动作:  circle-to-land maneuver
绕场一周向观众致意:  undertake la of honorundertake laps of honor
Example Sentences:
1.The athletes marched around the arena .
2.When he won the race his supporters chaired him round the field
3.When he won the race his supporters chaired him round the field
4.Undertake laps of honor
5.Opening ceremony was successfully held after the round trip of lion performance at the exhibition hall
6.After entering the hall , master first walked around with her beautiful cockatoos , and introduced each one
7.Only ticket holders for the game can see the presentation of the trophy after which the team will go on a lap of honour around the pitch
8.The olympic flame is then car - ried into the stadium by the last of the runners who have brought it from olympia , greece
9.When she crossed the finish line in first place and took her victory lap carrying a huge moroccan flag , people in casablanca poured into the streets to celebrate
10.Master s eyes brimmed with love and compassion as she walked around the venue and then invited people to sit on the platform and other places near her . the overjoyed audience members rushed forward and packed every space on and around the stage
Similar Words:
"绕场动作" English translation, "绕场进场" English translation, "绕场进场区" English translation, "绕场进场着陆" English translation, "绕场行进" English translation, "绕场一周向观众致意" English translation, "绕场一周向观众致意 (英语点津姗姗编辑)" English translation, "绕场著陆动作" English translation, "绕朝" English translation, "绕成的" English translation