He described to me how he would whip such a boy as if he were unfolding some elaborate mystery . 他绘声绘影地讲给我听,用什么好法抽打这种孩子,好象他在展示一个复杂的神秘。
The newspaper article gave a graphic description of the earthquake 报纸文章绘声绘影的描述了那场地震。
A miracle : an event described by those to whom it was told by men who did not see it 奇迹:一个事件,经过一些人绘声绘影,而他们是从一些不曾亲身目睹的人口中得知的
To compete , must the credibility of the media be put on the line must we rely on exposing skeletons in the closet in graphic detail to boost sales while many are against such practices , what we have before us is a negative example that proves to be a huge success 媒体竞争的手段,是不是必须牺牲媒体的公信力,靠专门揭疮疤,绘声绘影来刺激销量?有人大力鞭斥,摆在眼前的,却是负面的成功例子。