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English translation for "群表示"

group representation
representation of a group

Related Translations:
表示:  show; express; mean; indicate; expression; presentation; signifying; remark; representation 短语和例子表示不服罪 plead not guilty; plead unguilty; 表示服罪 plead guilty; 表示愤慨 express one's indignation;
表示服务:  presentation services
表示歉意:  offer an apologyexpress one's regret
表示欢迎:  make sb. welcome
数量表示:  quantitaes
公式表示:  formulation
求爱表示:  courtship display
虚伪表示:  simulatio
网络表示:  network representation
表示学科:  logy
Example Sentences:
1.A matrix function derived from principal elements represented by the group
2.It is an important problem that research the structure from character degree graphs
3.It ' s a general method to construct the symmetry adapted bases of point groups . it has the advantage that the algebraic solutions of point groups can be obtained and the solutions are independent of representation space
4.The ethical row is likely to deepen as the seattle doctors , led by daniel gunther , say they are considering other children for similar treatment , though only after monitoring by the hospital ' s ethics committee
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