Green cedar society of entertainment service for the aged 翠柏安老文娱服务团
There were all cypress trees on north mountain and all pine trees on south mountain 北山长满翠柏,南山满山青松,南松北柏比着长,赛着绿。
In the 5 , 600 square - metre garden , there are a corridor , bridges , pagodas , rocks , streams , ponds , cascades and greenery 五千六百平方米的亭园内有曲折回廊、飞瀑小桥、碧溪银池、亭台楼阁、峭石嶙峋、青松翠柏,美不胜收;及
In the beauty spot , all the high - grade wooden villas are hiding in the green cyproess and winding mountains , which can give you natural and earthy feeling 景区内,高档的挂牌三星的木屋别墅宾馆,让您在其它任何地方也体会不到的返朴归真的感觉!所有的木屋别墅,掩印在青山翠柏之中。