prick toward the sky; reach towards the sky; strike into the clouds; towering to the skies; tower into the clouds; rise above the clouds 短语和例子 巍巍群山耸入云霄。 the lofty peaks tower into the clouds
高入云霄: tower high above the level of the clouds; stand out against the sky; rise up in the clouds; reach towards the sky; (the building) is so high that (it) rubs against the sky
耸: 动词1.(耸立) tower aloft; rise straight up 短语和例子高耸入云 tower into the clouds; reach to the sky2.(引起注意; 使人吃惊) alarm; shock 短语和例子危言耸听 exaggerate things just to frighten people
Example Sentences:
The lofty peaks tower into the clouds . 巍巍群山耸入云霄。
Soaring into the sky at a record height of over 415 meters , the twin towers project started to break ground in the year 1966 创记录地以415米的高度耸入云霄的“双子塔”工程于1966年开始破土动工。