作为惩罚某些罪行的手段的肉刑: multilation as a penalty for certain offences
Example Sentences:
An analysis of discussions on the restoration of corporal punishment in the late han , wei and jin dynasty 汉末魏晋复肉刑之议论析
Here it means that the tipstaff , in the process of executing the law , adopt methods as corporal punishment , corporal punishment in disguised form or spiritual torture to interrogate the interrogees so as to compel them to confess to committing crimes 刑讯逼供犯罪是指执法人员在查究违法犯罪过程中,对被追究者采用肉刑、变相肉刑或精神折磨等方法逼迫其供认违法犯罪的行为。