I cannot say more about this - it makes me too miserable 这些我也不想多说了说起来我就肝肠欲断。
She had no sooner said it than she burst into a dry hard sobbing , so violent that it seemed to rend her 她刚把话说完,就突然大哭起来,哭得那样地悲伤,好像肝肠断了一样。
After biliary excretion , the conjugates are hydrolysed , and steviol undergose enterohepatic circulation ; its elimination half - life is 24 hours 经汁排出后,甜菊醇轭合物会被水解,并参与肝肠循环,其半排出期为24小时。
After biliary excretion , the conjugates are hydrolysed , and steviol undergose enterohepatic circulation ; its elimination half - life is 24 hours 经?汁排出后,甜菊醇轭合物会被水解,并参与肝肠循环,其半排出期为24小时。