Buying power is the maximum value available to you for the purchase of any specific stock 借贷比率为认可股票市值的10 %至50 % 。
Because the company has been making large profits the marker value of its shares is appreciating 该公司一直十分营利,其股票市值正趋上升。
Stock prices largely show how much investors are willing to pay for growth over time 股票市值很大程度上能够反映投资者未来对公司的投资意向。
3 consideration should be given as to whether some reference to appropriate insurance would be desirable Banz 1981发现股票市值随着公司规模的增大而减少的趋势。
Showing that the market value of the equity investments of the portfolio at the end of december 2002 amounted to hk 50 . 9 billion 显示,该组合于年月底的股票市值为亿港元。
" size effect " in stock market means that small cap firms have higher income - rate than large cap firms 规模效应是以股票市值为衡量标准的公司规模的大小和该股票的市场收益率之间呈相反的关系。