The framers of the american constitution did not include a bill of rights in that document . 美国宪法的草创人没有在宪法中拟订一份权利法案。
Yugoslavia would then be able to speak with a united voice in the councils of the allies during this formative period when so much is in flux . 在这种情况下,南斯拉夫才能用一致的声音,在这种变化多端的草创时期,在盟国的会议上发表意见。
Confucius institutes have got off to a roaring start 孔子学院的发展自草创以来一路高歌猛进。
From distribution to production : albert odell on a key cathay moment 欧德尔:草创时期的得与失
The book , first drafted in early qing dynasty , supplemented in late qing dynasty , has a history of 130 years 《紫堤村志》自清初草创迄晚清增补成书,历130余年之久。
As such the number of employees has increased from 5 at the time of establishment to 50 at the present time 因此本公司由草创初期之5人,经过短暂十数年后,现有员工人数50人。
However , it is rare in literature for researchers to document the value of such web - mediated communication systems 然而,由于过去以互联网为基础的协同科技还在草创阶段,文献中少有记载此类系统应用的价值与效益。
However , it is rare in literature for researchers to document the value of such web - mediated communication systems 然而,由于过去以网际网路为基础的协同科技还在草创阶段,文献中少有记载此类系统应用的价值与效益。
The plan of this idea head toward popularization , still in beginning stage , no paper to sign , communicate idea only , and no charge at all 本概念目前是朝向公共化的方向规划,且仍在草创阶段,仅沟通理念,绝对不签文件,也不收一块钱。
The study of the regulations of the news officer , established only few years , is still in the state of beginning and gets some breakthroughs 目前我国“新闻发言人制度”研究时间尚短,成果也有限,且都是一些基础性的论证该研究领域成立的草创之作。