一道釉螭虎瓶: monochrome glaze vase with engraved lizard design
Example Sentences:
A pair of well - carved white jade cup 双螭佩白玉碗一对
Sapphire dragon breast ding wen bi 青玉螭乳丁纹璧
Engrave and carve a snail and a dragon on the both sides of ancient piece of jade , is distributed symmetrically , come in every shape 在璧两侧镂雕一蜗一,对称分布,形态各异。璧上部镂雕一螭一衔环,间以云气纹,似云中嬉戏,生动活泼。
Every chi dragon delineates the facial features and foot claw with the slight overcast line on this device , exquisitely carved , being extremely meticulous , workmanship reflect period to chisel and carve the characteristic that technology keeps improving the eastern han dynasty 此器上各螭用细微的阴线刻划五官和足爪,玲珑剔透,作工极为精细,反映了东汉时期琢刻技术精益求精的特点。