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English translation for "行不顾言"

not act according to one's words; act differently from what one says; act otherwise than one says; not practise what one preaches; play fast and loose; say one thing but do another (sth. else)

Related Translations:
不顾:  (不考虑; 不顾忌) disregard; ignore; in defiance of; in spite of; regardless of; turn a deaf ear to; without giving any thought to 短语和例子不顾大局 ignore the larger issues; lack of consideration for th
不顾质量:  without reference to quality
不顾信用:  abuse of trust
不顾前后:  have no scruplesbe temerariousbe unreflecting
不顾一切:  desperationfling caution to the windsrecklessregardlessnessus against the world
不顾休息:  and disregards the rest, hmmmm
不顾艰难:  through thick and thin
不顾地:  disregardfullyirrespectively
不顾信义:  be guilty of bad faith
不顾法律:  disregard of law
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