Better a slap from the wise than a kiss from a fool 宁可让贤明的人打一耳光,也不愿傻瓜来亲一口。
However , considering the volume limits of the group , we will remove some of unqualified members without hesitation , those who obtained membership without sharing his / her opinions or ignored the existence of our group for long time 然而鉴于资源有限,对于空占位置,长期不语的无视群存在者,本群将毫不犹豫请其让贤。
I am happy to carry on with him but i also have other very good penalty - takers so , if there is a crucial penalty at a crucial moment and he feels it is better to give it to a more confident player , i am happy with that 两年来,兰帕德一直是在扮演球队点球手的重要角色,我很乐意让他继续担任下去,但是我也很愿意看到当下次比赛兰帕德觉得有人会比他状态好时让贤。