| 1. | Lovely view out there, mrs. judd comments . 这一带的风景真不错呢还是爵德太太开了个话头。 |
| 2. | Only once during the lengthy discourse had the detective interrupted . 在冗长的谈话中,这位侦探只有一次打断了话头。 |
| 3. | A burst of joy from the little quakeress interrupted the speech . 那矮小的教友会信徒不由高兴地叫了起来,打断了话头。 |
| 4. | The passionate noise of agreement from the assembly hit him like a wave and he lost his thread . 与会者表示赞同的热情呼声像浪一样冲击着他,他一时断了话头。 |
| 5. | After the first transports of their meeting were over, he found means by degrees to introduce a discourse on the fatal consequences . 久别重逢的一阵欢喜之后,他渐渐把话头引到可怕的后果上去。 |
| 6. | He always leads up to his favorite topic 他总是把话头引到他得意的话题上去。 |
| 7. | I ' m gonna get us some drinks . while i ' m there , think of a hook 我去叫些喝的你来想一个话头 |
| 8. | He turned the dialogue to that point , and thanked him for it 他立即转向了这个话头,并对他表示感谢。 |
| 9. | Chopped off his sentence midway ; are going to chop expenses 他讲到一半时突然截住了话头;打算削减开支 |
| 10. | She wasn ' t used to taking the lead in conversation , or in anything else 她通常在谈话中不首先挑起话头,或者在其他事情上。 |