| 1. | This person alone has the right to take delivery of goods . 只有该人有权提货。 |
| 2. | It was intended to impede the apprehension of the person . 它旨在妨碍对该人的拘押的。 |
| 3. | He disagrees the valuation of any property ; or 该人不同意任何财产的估值或 |
| 4. | He disagrees the rate or amount charged 该人不同意徵收税款的税率或款额。 |
| 5. | Any such person who is an alien shall also - 如该人是外国人,他还须- - - - |
| 6. | The person shall leave the closed area without undue delay . " 该人须不作无故拖延而离开禁区。 " 。 |
| 7. | He is not the accountable person 该人并非为须缴税的人士 |
| 8. | Step 3 : determine the development level of the person on that task 第三步:决定该人对其任务所处的发展水平。 |
| 9. | A licensee who is an individual becomes a mentally disordered person 持牌人为个人,而该人变为精神紊乱的人; |
| 10. | The identification of the individual by someone known to the data user 由资料使用者认识的其他人识辨该人的身分。 |