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English translation for "跑合"

[ pǎohé ]

Related Translations:
冲刺跑:  blast
反应跑:  agility run
急跑:  hustle
健身跑:  jogging
跑投:  off the dribble
跑来跑去:  run hither and thither [to and fro; here and there]; be ever coming and going; run back and forth; kick about
刮跑:  blow1
慢跑:  canterjogginglope
跑火:  runout; leak-out; running away
团体赛跑:  team race
Example Sentences:
1.During the simulant test of gears running - in , the wear type of samples are changed . the rules of the variety are gained
2.On the first application , clean the compressor completely , run with this oil for several hours , drain it completely and refill this oil
3.Applying the idea of unit control and regional division , we design a running - in machine system to study on the cell positioning and position measurements
4.The wear behavior and the morphology of worn surface of samples were analysed . the result showed that cu - ( al2o3 ) n composite was excellent at wear resistance
5.The influence law of gear ' s bending stress affected by nominal pressure angle and technological angle of tooth profile has been summarized and obtained a conclusion that the maximum bending stress before running in period occurred at the waist place of the tooth , thus provided a theoretical foundation for the design and application of double arced gears
6.As a new type gear transmission , double circular arc profile bevel gearing carries out its transmission by means of meshing between convex - concave tooth profile in both of the direction of tooth trace and the direction of tooth depth , so it has advantage of high load capacity , long service life , easy forming hydrodynamic oil film between teeth as well as high quality of running - in etc . therefore , more attention has been paid to its application and research in recent years
7.In order to test resistance parameters and general properties of the idler automatically and continuously , by using " the rotating inertia method " to construct mechanical drive control system , theory of realizing double parameters measurement of the idler was discussed , and by using pressure transducer parts to control the experiment pressure , method of examining the idler was also put forward
8.In this task , a test _ bed for engineering vehicles was developed based on virtual instrument . the whole system comprised 5 parts : the checking of running velocity , which was gotten on the test bed through the vehicles simulating real road running ; the temperature checking of the important points on the transmission system ; the temperature checking of the circling cooling water on the exit port of dynamometers ; the control of the loading power . which was given to vehicles by the power measuring machine ; the control of the total test - run time
本课题开发的基于虚拟仪器的工程机械跑合试验台,其测量和控制参数有:行驶速度检测(车辆在跑合试验台上模拟路面的行驶速度) ;传动系温度检测(试验车辆传动系主要部位多点温度) ;冷却水温度检测(测功机循环冷却水出口温度) :加载功率控制(测功机施加给车辆的载荷) ;跑合时间控制(试验车辆在试验台上加载跑合的总时间) 。
9.Comparing with the traditional test method which has many limitations , the engineering vehicle testing system has many advantages , such as the higher test efficiency and no potential accident in road . therefore , the successful development of the system do have significance in both economy and society
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