English translation for "踌躇满志 "
[ chóuchúmǎnzhì ] (心满意足、从容自得的样子) enormously proud of one's success; be self-satisfied; complacent; elated with success; exceedingly gratified; he looked like the cat that ate the canary.; proud and self-satisfied; puffed up with pride; smug; wearing a proud, self-satisfied look [expression] Related Translations:
Example Sentences: 1. The physicists, too, were more than content . 物理学家们也踌躇满志 。 2. Then he had been sure of his work . 那时候他对自己的写作踌躇满志 。 3. He'd been contented enough the first few years . 最初几年他倒是踌躇满志 。 4. But they had not spoiled his sense of proportion . 它们却没有使他踌躇满志 ,忘乎所以。 5. He began to get ambitious . 他开始踌躇满志 起来。 6. Mr. gradgrind was feeling pleased when he walked home that evening . 那天晚上,雷格因先生回家的时候,感到踌躇满志 。 7. Ignace victoriously ascended the stairs and knocked on kessler's door . 伊格内斯踌躇满志 地登上楼梯,敲响了凯斯勒的房门。 8. Colonel curgill thanked him crisply and glowed with self-satisfaction as he strode across the area . 丘吉尔上校爽快地向他道了谢,踌躇满志 地迈着大步穿过了营地。 9. The transported dunwoody, with his aladdin's apple, was receiving the fickle attentions of all .踌躇满志 的邓武迪拿着那只宝贝苹果,陶醉在大伙趋炎附势的注意中。 10. My happy eye was upon it always, and i sat motionless, steeped in satisfaction, drunk with enjoyment . 我的快乐的眼睛老是盯着它;而且我老是坐在那里不动,一百二十分的踌躇满志 ,高兴得简直如醉如痴。
Similar Words: "踌躇地" English translation , "踌躇飞身踢" English translation , "踌躇换步" English translation , "踌躇拉步" English translation , "踌躇了半天他终于直说了" English translation , "踌躇满志的" English translation , "踌躇右转步" English translation , "踌躇彷徨" English translation , "踌音速试验" English translation , "踌伫" English translation