Ten to one, you would have thought him a tasteless, indiscreet methodistical man . 您十分有九分要认为他是一个毫无风趣又迂阔又严格的人。
Now , it never occurred to me to wish for a nearer inspection of these large insects , with their long black claws , for i always feared to find under their stone wings some little human genius fagged to death with cabals , factions , and government intrigues 我从不想去对这些有黑色长脚爪的大昆虫作较近的观察,因为我老是害怕会在它那石头翅膀底下碰到一个极其严肃极其迂阔脑子里装满了科学玄奥和魔法,充当守护神的小人。