Father conmee greeted them more than once benignly 康米神父一次又一次慈祥地朝他们还礼。
Once her in townhithe meeting he to her bow had not doffed 护士向彼致意,彼未摘帽还礼。
He may freely receive courtesies that knows how to requite them 知道如何还礼的人才可随意收礼
It was phileas fogg , whose head now emerged from behind his newspapers , who made this remark 他从报纸里探出头来,向大家致意,大伙也都还礼。
Surely the credit squeeze is not so severe that you cannot wait a month or two for a return on your gift giving 信贷紧缩并不是那么严重,你不至于连一两个月都等不了,就盼着还礼吧?
You can browse the left menu and find gifts ideas by holidays , types , events , but also gifts for special days as birthdays or baby showers 你能浏览这左菜单和发现礼物想法由假日,类型,事件,但还礼物为特别天和生日或婴孩淋浴。
And i thought i saw her salute back , from the cadillac . duty , honor , service . none of those whose graves she visited had given more than she did 在她驶过时我们向著她敬礼,我感到她在车上向我们还礼,义务荣耀服务她所探访的墓地,这里的人都拥有这一切。
Father conmee saluted mr william gallagher and perceived the odours that came from baconflitches and ample cools of butter . he passed grogan s the tobacconist against which newsboards leaned and told of a dreadful catastrophe in new york 康米神父向威廉加拉赫先生还礼,并嗅到了成条的腌猪肋骨肉和桶里装得满满的冰镇黄油的气味。
As they drove along nassau street his excellency drew the attention of his bowing consort to the programme of music which was being discoursed in college park . unseen brazen highland laddies blared and drumthumped after the cortge 当车队驶经纳索街的时候,总督大人提醒他那位正在点头还礼的伴侣去留意学院校园中正在演奏着的音乐节目。
The elephant grunted out his satisfaction , and , clasping passepartout around the waist with his trunk , lifted him as high as his head . passepartout , not in the least alarmed , caressed the animal , which replaced him gently on the ground 路路通一点也不害怕,用手亲切地抚摸大象,大象又把他轻轻地放到地上,路路通用手紧紧地握了一下诚实的大象的鼻尖作为还礼。