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Home > chinese-english > "这件事只好作罢了" in English

English translation for "这件事只好作罢了"

the matter will have to be dropped

Related Translations:
作罢:  drop; relinquish; give up 短语和例子这件事只好作罢了。 the matter will have to be dropped
只好作罢:  be forced to give up
作罢放弃:  de.segn rezign'i:to forgo
概作罢论:  let no more be said about it altogether
缓期不等于作罢:  forbearance is no acquittance
删除电子邮件便作罢:  delete the email and forget about it
此事已作罢论:  the idea has already been dropped
只好:  have to; be forced to 短语和例子只好另想办法 cannot but seek other means; 只好作罢 be forced to give up
只好如此:  needs must when the devil drives
只好仁:  zhi haoren
Example Sentences:
1.The matter will have to be dropped .
Similar Words:
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