| 1. | We shall undergo a progressive loss of our vigor . 我们的活力要经受递增的损耗。 |
| 2. | They have tended to assume increasing opportunity costs . 他们往往假定机会成本是递增的。 |
| 3. | The increased pressure and temperature with depths as well as changed hydrological conditions will lead to changed mechanical properties . 随深度递增的压力和温度以及变化着的水文情况将会导致力学性质的改变。 |
| 4. | In general, experience has shown that third-to fifth-degree polynomials produce sufficiently low residuals and monotonically increasing derivatives . 实践证明,三至五次多项式就能产生足够小的残差和单调递增的导数。 |
| 5. | They thought of some good theoretical reasons for expecting rising opportunity costs in expanding one industry at the expense of others . 他们探讨了某些可靠的理论根据,认为以牺牲其它工业来扩展某一工业时,预期机会成本将是递增的。 |
| 6. | In the first example , a state variable is incremented 在第一个示例中,状态变量是递增的: |
| 7. | Truevalues of this data type may be auto - incrementing True此数据类型的值可能是自动递增的。 |
| 8. | The variable whose value is to be incremented 其值要递增的变量。 |
| 9. | The level of difficulty of the questions increases gradually 所有题目的难度级别是逐渐递增的。 |
| 10. | Falsevalues of this data type may not be auto - incrementing False此数据类型的值可能不是自动递增的。 |