| 1. | The river was visible through a light mist . 透过薄雾那河隐约可见。 |
| 2. | A line of hills profiles against the night sky . 夜空衬托出隐约可见的群山。 |
| 3. | A cottage gleamed in the wood . 树林中有座农舍隐约可见。 |
| 4. | It was just possible to pick out the hut on the side of the mountain . 那小舍座落在山边,隐约可见。 |
| 5. | Foreign minister fahmy was barely discernible at the bottom of the stairs . 外交部长法赫米站在舷梯下面,隐约可见。 |
| 6. | There even remained in his remoter crannies some relics of the boy . 从某些细微之处还隐约可见他还保留着几分孩子气。 |
| 7. | What jeanie least liked in the tone of the letter was a smothered degree of egotism . 珍妮最不高兴的是信中隐约可见的唯我独尊的口吻。 |
| 8. | Before us stretched a vista of the sluggish river, ending in glimpses of a reed-fringed lagoon . 我们的前面是一条缓缓流动的长河,注入那隐约可见的芦苇环绕的湖泊之中。 |
| 9. | The light of an obscure moon was just sufficient to render objects, though dim, perceptible in their outlines . 在朦胧的月光下,四周虽然还相当阴暗,但周围的景物依然隐约可见。 |
| 10. | A large iceberg loomed through the thick , gray fog 从厚厚的、灰灰的雾中隐约可见一做大冰山。 |