雄图大业: a grandiose and noble enterprise; a great cause
Example Sentences:
I had never conceived that designs and strategies of previous periods could be applied literally to the present . 我从来没有设想从前的雄图和战略,可以原原本本地适用于现在。
I had never conceived that designs and strategies of previous periods could be applied literally to the present . 我从来没有设想,从前的雄图和战略,可以原原本本地适用于现在。
But i had never conceived that designs and strategies of previous periods could be applied literally to the present . 但是,我从来没有设想从前的雄图和战略可以原原本本地适用于现在。
The boldness and ambition of the acropolis was funded by the spoils of war , a war that determined the fate of greece 建造雅典卫城的大胆想法和雄图来自一场纷忧的战事,一场决定了希腊命运的战事。