Yes . money is not everything , but no one can do without it 是呀,金钱不是万能的,但没有饯是不行的
On six dynasties poems in farewell party 论六朝祖饯诗
Sacrifice and sacrificial poems 祖饯诗的由来
In the food industry , citric acid is widely as flavor agent and buffer of ph in making jam , candied fruit , ice cream , etc 在食品工业上,制作果酱、密饯、冰淇淋等柠檬酸广泛用调味剂和ph的缓冲剂。
From the latter , i think qian mu ' s educational thought is based on his historical thought and he explained them from a point of view of pedagogy 笔者认入,饯先生的教育思想亦是以其史学思想为w昼,汁从教育学的角度出发多有阐发。
They were mr fogg s usual partners at whist : andrew stuart , an engineer ; john sullivan and samuel fallentin , bankers ; thomas flanagan , a brewer ; and gauthier ralph , one of the directors of the bank of england ; - all rich and highly respectable personages , even in a club which comprises the princes of english trade and finance 其中安得露斯图阿特是工程师,约翰苏里万和撒木耳法郎丹是银行家,多玛斯弗拉纳刚是啤酒商,高杰弱夫是英国国家银行董事会董事。这些人既有金饯,又有声望,在俱乐部的会员中,也都称得起是金融工商界拔尖儿的人物。