A week later , he heard that a horse dealer was coming to the city with 500 horses to sell 一星期后,听说一个马贩子将带着500匹马来这座城市卖。
He told them not to sell any grass to the horse dealer until he had sold his 并且吩咐,在自己把草料全部卖给马贩子之前,请他们不要把草卖给马贩子。
I could not defer my pleasure , so i took a cabriolet and drove to the horse dealer s 我捺住心头的喜悦,就跳上一辆轻便马车,快马加鞭,驶到马贩子那儿。
That horse is not worth half what you gave for him ; the dealer has tucked it on to you pretty well 那匹马还不值你付出的价钱的一半,马贩子狠敲了你一笔。
Well , i went to a horse dealer s , where i saw this magnificent horse , which i have named medeah 我到一个马贩子那儿去,看到了这匹漂亮的马。我给它起好名子叫米狄亚。
The farmer did not wish to sell his fine colt , but when the horse dealer tickled his palm with a few hundred dollars , he consented 农夫本来不打算卖他的小马,但马贩子将几百无钱赛到他的手中,他便同意了。
The farmer did not wish to sell his fine colt , but when the horse dealer tickled his palm with a few hundred dollars , he consented 农夫本来不打算卖他的小马,但马贩子将几百无钱赛到他的手中,他便同意了。
He mentioned to nikolay the stud - farms , where he might obtain horses , recommended him to a horse - dealer in the town , and a gentleman living twenty versts from the town , who had the best horses , and promised him every assistance . you are count ilya andreitchs son 他告诉尼古拉一些可以搞到马匹的养马场,介绍他去找一位城里的马贩子和离城二十俄里的一位地主他们都有良种马,并允诺尽力协助。
In front of him fauchery saw the truant schoolboy half lifted from his seat by passion . curiosity led him to look at the count de vandeuvres - he was extremely pale , and his lips looked pinched - at fat steiner , whose face was purple to the verge of apoplexy ; at labordette , ogling away with the highly astonished air of a horse dealer admiring a perfectly shaped mare ; at daguenet , whose ears were blood - red and twitching with enjoyment 出于好奇心,他看看德旺德夫尔伯爵,伯爵面色苍白,嘴唇抿得紧紧的,又看看胖子斯泰内,他那中风般的脸简直像死人一样,再看看拉博德特,他像一个马贩子,带着神奇的神态用一只望远镜在欣赏一匹完美无缺的母马,而达盖内呢,两耳涨得红红的,乐得摇头晃脑。