Study on driving forces of cultivated land change in xinzhou county of wuhan city 以安徽省黟县西递为例
Analysis of the humanistic connotation and architectural interest of door heads and horizontal inscribed boards in yixian 浅析黟县门楣匾额的人文内涵与建筑意趣
Study on the countermeasures for the preservation and utilization of the historical heritage site yixian county in anhui province 安徽省黟县文化遗产地保护与利用对策研究
Visitors enjoys folk art performances in hongcun village , yixian , a county of east china ' s anhui province , nov . 19 , 2006 11月19日,安徽黟县宏村宏达庭院内,游人在欣赏曲艺表演。
Located in the southern part of anhui province , the yellow mountains extend across four counties - shexian , yixian , taiping and xining 黄山位安徽省的南部,跨越四县歙县黟县太平和修宁。
Located in the southern part of anhui province , the yellow mountains extend across four counties - shexian , yixian , taiping and xining 黄山位安徽省的南部,跨越四县歙县、黟县、太平和修宁。
Got their present name in 747 a . d . the 6th year of the tianbao reign of the tang dynasty , when li bai 701 - 762 , the great tang poet , wrote about them in these lines 黄山在秦朝公元前221 - 207年时叫做黟山,在公元747年唐朝天宝六年时才有这个名字。
There are a few folk art groups in hongcun village of yixian county , who give drama shows in farmers ' courtyards from time to time , to amuse farmers and publicize local traditional folk arts to visitors as well 在安徽黟县宏村等地活跃着不少民间文艺团体,经常在农家庭院进行表演,自娱自乐同时也向游人展示了地方传统曲艺的魅力。
And the populations of p . cicutarrifolia exhibit clumped distribution in zhejiang , hubei , jiangxi , anhui etc . furthermore , the population size is small , and its number is scare , and every population is n ' t dominant in its community , which resulted in their endangered state , for which habitat fragment and artificial damage are mainly responsible 安徽羽叶报春呈斑块状分布于安徽黄山、石台、休宁、宁国、泾县、歙县、黟县等南部山区,毛茛叶报春呈岛屿状分布于浙江、安徽、湖北、江西等省。两物种种群少且种群小,在群落中都不占优势。