So this exhortation not only considers the lessons from isaiah 2 but also key points from the reign of king uzziah whose life is recorded in 2 chronicles 所以,我们今天的劝勉词不仅要思考以赛亚书2章,也要关注历代志下2章记载的有关乌西雅作王时期的主要事件。
With these points in mind lets now look at the reign of king uzziah in 2 chronicles 26 which gives us more detail of what was happening among god ' s people at the time of isaiah 2 现在我们来看一下历代志下26章中乌西雅作王时期的情况,这一章也表现了在以赛亚书2章中提到的同一时期的人们的情形。