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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

一层轻雾 a film of mist
一屉包子 a trayful of steamed stuffed...
一屋子的人 a roomful of people
一屋子的人都欢腾起来 Everybody in the room was ov...
一山一水 every hill and every stream
一山一石 each mount and crag
一山之隔 be separated only by a mount...
一山难容二虎 A great man cannot brook a r...
一差二错 possible mistake or mishap
一己 self
一己为私 pursue one's own ends
一己之私 one's private ends
一己私利 one's own selfish interests
一帆风顺 bon voyage
一帖药 a dose of herbal medicine
一带两便 do sth. that doesn't require...
一带而过 glance off
一席之地 a space for one person
一席话 a talk
一席酒 a banquet
一帮 a gang
一帮匪徒 a band of gangsters
一帮反动家伙 a pack of reactionary scound...
一帮小孩子 a group of children
一帮小流氓 wolf pack
一幅 a
一幅奇景 a rare fine view unexpected
一幅布景 a piece of scenery
一幅画 a picture
一幅画的修复 the restoration of a picture
一幅肖像 a portrait
一幅黑白画 a drawing in black and white...
一干 all that are involved
一干二净 clean out completely
一干人犯 a bunch of criminals
一干到底 go right to the end with wha...
一平二调 Equalitarianism prevailed an...
一平如镜 be as flat as a mirror
一年一度 once a year
一年一度的结帐 an annual closing of account...
一年三熟 bring in three harvests a ye...
一年三百六十五日 There are three hundred and ...
一年两熟 two crops a year
一年两稔 two crops a year
一年两造 two crops a year a surname
一年之计在于春 The whole year's work depend...
一年分为十二个月 The year is divided into twe...
一年分四季 The year is divided into fou...
一年到头 throughout the year
一年前的今天 a year ago today
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