| 1. | One is that myanmarhas been admitted to the association of south - east asian nations ( asean ) 改变之一就是缅甸加入了东南亚国家联盟( asean ) 。 |
| 2. | One is that myanmar has been admitted to the association of south - east asian nations ( asean ) 其一是缅甸被纳入了asean (亚细安国家协会,东盟) 。 |
| 3. | The east asia summit and the regional forum of the association of south - east asian nations ( asean ) tie it closer to its asian neighbours 东亚峰会和地区性论坛东南亚国家联盟也拉近了中国同亚洲邻居的距离。 |
| 4. | The east asia summit and the regional forum of the association of south - east asian nations ( asean ) tie it closer to its asian neighbours 东亚峰会和东南亚国家联盟地区论坛把它和自己的亚洲邻居们更紧密的联系在一起。 |
| 5. | China yesterday signed an agreement with the association of south - east asian nations that promises to open up key services sectors as the two partners move towards creating what could be the world ' s biggest free trade zone 在菲律宾中部城市宿务召开的中国与东盟领导人年度会议上,中国总理温家宝和东盟10国领导人签署了该项协议,协议将于今年7月生效。 |
| 6. | They include india , rising in its idiosyncratic way ; japan , seeking a more robust foreign policy in the face of china ' s rise ; russia , a resource giant , even if a diplomatic minnow in asia ; the ten countries that make up the association of south - east asian nations ( asean ) ; and ? still the top dog even if distracted in the middle east ? america 既有在另一条路上崛起的印度,又有面对中国崛起寻求更加激进外交政策的日本,也有俄国这个能源巨人,尽管在亚洲事务上不足挂齿;还有东盟10国;更不能忘了美国这个头号劲敌,即便在中东问题上已经焦头烂额。 |
| 7. | They include india , rising in its idiosyncratic way ; japan , seeking a more robust foreign policy in the face of china ' s rise ; russia , a resource giant , even if a diplomatic minnow in asia ; the ten countries that make up the association of south - east asian nations ( asean ) ; and ? still the top dog even if distracted in the middle east ? america 既有在另一条特别之路上正在崛起的印度,又有面对中国崛起寻求更加激进外交政策的日本,也有俄国这个能源巨人,尽管在亚洲事务上尚不足为道;还有东盟10国;更不能忘了美国这个头号劲敌,即便在中东问题上已经焦头烂额。 |