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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

中药 traditional Chinese medicine
中药剂量 dosage of drug
中药加工 Chinese medicinal herb proce...
中药厂 pharmaceutical factory of tr...
中药外敷 external application of Chin...
中药学 science of Chinese tradition...
中药师 pharmacist of traditional Ch...
中药志 Chinese medicinal herbal
中药性能 property of Chinese materia ...
中药材 Chinese medicinal crop
中药禁忌 drug contraindication
中药配伍 drug matching
中药铺 shop of traditional Chinese ...
中药麻醉 herbal anaesthesia anaesthet...
中菜 Chinese meal
中菜西吃 eat Chinese food the Western...
中落 decline
中表 cousinhood
中表婚 marriage between cousins
中装 traditional Chinese clothing
中西 Chinese and Western
中西医会诊 hold group consultations of ...
中西医学评论 traditional Chinese and mode...
中西医结合 combine traditional Chinese ...
中西医结合医院 hospitals of traditional Chi...
中西医结合治疗 therapy of combining traditi...
中西医结合疗法 combined therapy of Chinese ...
中西合璧 a good combination of Chines...
中西部 Middle West
中西部是美国的粮仓 The Mid-West is the granary ...
中规中矩 straight and narrow
中计 fall into a trap
中计被擒 One fell into the trap and w...
中词 middle term
中诡计 be caught in a trap
中财委 Financial and Economic Commi...
中跑 middle distance run
中距 mid-range
中距电缆输电 medium distance cable transm...
中距离 middle distance
中距离赛跑 middle-distance running
中距离跑 middle distance race
中转 change trains
中转中心 relay centre
中转公司 transit company
中转场 transit depot
中转港 enterport
中转税 transit duties
中转站 transfer station
他的脸晒黑了 His face is tanned.
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