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bom ight
轰炸瞄准器  detail>>
fright at ight
夜惊  detail>>
i ight
被见到 顿悟  detail>>
ight nose
直挺的鼻子  detail>>
ight soce
光源  detail>>
ight up
照亮,点燃  detail>>
 adj.  1.光明的,明亮的;辉煌的,闪烁的;灿烂的;晴朗的。 2.(水、酒等)透明的,晶莹的;(颜色)鲜艳的;(证据等)明白的;(声名)显赫的。 ...  detail>>
electronic computing gu ight
电子计算射击瞄准器  detail>>
i ight learning
顿悟学习  detail>>
mds ight coped device
光耦合器件  detail>>
one txj ight with you
伴汝一宵  detail>>
ordinary ight source
寻常光源  detail>>
pf ight-emitting diode
发光二极管  detail>>
plane polarizedl ight
面振光  detail>>
bright finish,bright dipping
退光  detail>>
the bright road; a bright future
光明大道  detail>>
fren ight-abso syn tion p-icing
免收运费定价法  detail>>
a bright day
晴朗的天  detail>>