| 1. | She burst into tears as she spoke . 她一面说,一面哭。 |
| 2. | The imagined grief was so poignant that bertha burst into tears . 想象的悲恸是如此强烈,使伯莎泪如泉涌。 |
| 3. | No sooner had the door shut on her aunt's back than she burst into tears . 姨妈刚走出门,她的眼泪便夺眶而出。 |
| 4. | So sad it made her to see him thus, that she would burst into tears . 看到他这样她真伤心,因此她的眼泪落个不停。 |
| 5. | Alexandra put her head down on the dresser and burst into tears . 亚历山德拉一头栽在梳妆台上,不禁失声痛哭起来。 |
| 6. | She went upstairs to her bedroom, and there she burst into tears . 她上楼到自己卧室里去,进了屋泪水刷地一下涌了出来。 |
| 7. | She burst into tears and, clinging to him sobbed in love and anguish . 她挨紧他坐着,眼泪不断地簌簌下落,因爱和极度痛苦而抽泣着。 |
| 8. | He told me afterwards that when he had made his little speech she suddenly burst into tears . 事后他告诉我,他把意思说明以后,她突然哭了起来。 |
| 9. | When bertha was alone in her room she threw herself down on her bed and burst into tears . 当伯莎独自呆在房间里时,她扑倒在床上,突然大哭起来。 |
| 10. | The poor young fellow, who was still just a boy, still at the age when feelings express themselves spontaneously, burst into tears . 可怜的青年这时还是一个孩子,还在极易流露感情的年纪,他眼泪涌了出来。 |