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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

他翻了个身又睡着了 He turned over in bed and fe...
他翻了所有的抽屉找寻那个不见了的文件 He searched all the drawers ...
他老和我过不去 He picks on me all the time....
他老惦记着这件事 He couldn't get his mind off...
他老打个人小算盘 He is always calculating.
他老是发牢骚 He's always grumbling.
他老是在街头闲逛 He is always idling about st...
他老是怨天气不好 He is always complaining abo...
他老是那么做作 He's always affected.
他老没来 He hasn't been here for a lo...
他老爱埋怨 He's always grumbling.
他老爱骂人 He was always abusing people...
他考试前总是开夜车 He always works late into th...
他考试得了百分 He obtained 100 marks in his...
他耷拉着肩膀 His shoulders drooped.
他聋了一只耳朵 He is deaf of one ear.
他肌肉发达 He developed a muscular body...
他肩膀上搭着一块毛巾 He had a towel over his shou...
他肩膀上的伤口开始收口了 The wound in his arm has beg...
他肯定不想带累别的同志 Certainly he wasn't going to...
他肯定会来 It's definite that he'll com...
他胆怯了 His courage failed.
他背上起痱子了 Heat rash rises on his back....
他胖起来了 He's putting on weight.
他胜负的可能性各占一半 He stands an even chance of ...
他胡说些什么 What's he drivelling about? ...
他胸怀开朗 His bosom is clear.
他胸部中弹 He was shot in the chest. br...
他能写一手好字 He writes a good hand of Chi...
他能够透过这一结果发现其因由 He was able to get the cause...
他能把极平常的事儿说得很动听 He can make ordinary things ...
他能计量准确吗 Can he measure accurately?
他能记得已往的事情 He could remember events in ...
他能说服资方采纳他的计划 He was able to persuade capi...
他脑子快 He has a quick mind.
他脑子里闪过一个念头 An idea flashed into his min...
他脚下一出溜出笼 come out of the steamer
他脚下的土地突然陷下去了 The ground suddenly sank und...
他脚登长筒靴 He is in long boots.
他脸上掠过失望的神情 A look of disappointment pas...
他脸上显出很高兴的样子 His face expressed great joy...
他脸上显出得意的神气 He had an air of complacency...
他脸上漾出了笑容 His face broadened into a sm...
他脸晒脱皮了 His face is peeling because ...
他脸色苍白 His face blanched.
他脸色阴沉下来 His face clouded.
他脾气特别毛躁 He is very short-tempered. r...
他腿软得几乎站不住了 His legs were so weak that h...
他自己 himself
他自杀未遂 He did not succeed in commit...
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