Guide to specifying user requirements for a computer - based system 基于计算机系统的用户要求规定指南
Nuclear power plants - instrumentation and control important for safety - software aspects for computer - based systems performing category b or c functions iec 62138 : 2004 核电厂.设备和控制的安全重要性.执行b类或c类功能的
The clearing house automated transfer system ( chats ) is a computer - based system designed for large - value interbank payment under the rtgs system 结算所自动转帐系统是为即时支付结算系统处理大额银行同业支付项目的电脑化系统。
Nuclear power plants - instrumentation and control important for safety - software aspects for computer - based systems performing category b or c functions 核电厂.设备和控制的安全重要性.表现b类或c类功能的基于计算机系统的软件情况