| 1. | This part studies the limitation of controling shareholders " power 第六部分:控制股东权利约束 |
| 2. | Announcement transfer of existing shares by the controlling shareholder 公告控股股东转让现有股份 |
| 3. | Part five . the controling shareholders " civil liability 第五部分:控制股东违反诚信义务的民事责任。 |
| 4. | On what condition will controlling shareholders start expropriating 企业终级控股者在什么条件下开始剥夺 |
| 5. | Proposed management buy - out of asia aluminum led by controlling shareholder 控股股东提出向亚洲铝业作管理层收购 |
| 6. | Ultimate controlling shareholder , equity control value added and corporate governance 控制权溢价和公司治理研究 |
| 7. | Part one . concept of controling shareholder and minority shareholder 第一部分:控制股东和弱势股东概念定位。 |
| 8. | Controlling shareholder ' s embezzlement of listed company ' s funds and earning management 大股东资金占用与盈余管理 |
| 9. | Announcement placing of existing shares by the controlling shareholder and resumption of trading 公告控股股东配售现有股份及复牌 |
| 10. | On theoretical foundation of fiduciary duty of controlling shareholder of joint - stock company 论股份公司控制股东诚信义务的法理基础 |