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English translation for "crenshaw"


Related Translations:
ben crenshaw:  科伦肖克瑞肖
Example Sentences:
1.Son , all that crenshaw crap kills the resale
2.We got nappy cutz on crenshaw . love it
3.Martha crenshaw & john pimlott , encyclopedia of world terrorism , vol . 3 , m . e sharpe . inc . 1996
4.And every morning , after about two hours in church in the crenshaw area , she returns to her home with the motivation and strength to go on
5.And every morning , after about two hours in church in the crenshaw area , she returns to her home with the motivation and strength to go on
6.Crenshaw deciphered the algorithm of the twisting motion , known as helical klinotaxis , and assisted nekton ' s team in applying it to the robots , in essence crafting a new guidance technology
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