| 1. | Department of health - studies on chinese medicinal herbs 生署-有关中药材的研究 |
| 2. | Department of health - list of clinics and health centres ?生署-诊所及中心一览表 |
| 3. | Department of health hiv aids report form 卫生署爱滋病病毒感染爱滋病呈报表格 |
| 4. | Department of health content page - performance pledge ?生署(内容页) -服务承诺 |
| 5. | Department of health - public health information system 生署-公共健康资讯系统 |
| 6. | Viral hepatitis preventive service , department of health 卫生署病毒性肝炎预防服务 |
| 7. | Centre for health protection of the department of health website 生署生防护中心网站 |
| 8. | B the centre for health protection of the department of health B卫生署卫生防护中心 |
| 9. | Department of health launches oral health homepage 生署口腔健康教育网页启用 |