English translation for "esma"
- 阿联酋标准计量局
埃斯玛 埃斯马 艾丝玛 标准化与计量局 回应欧洲自行车鞍座制造商协会 酋长国标准计量局 依司马牌手表 自行车座垫制造商协会
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Pietro nigrelli , chairman of the european saddle makers association esma and general secretary of the bicycle division of ancma , the italian industry association , said : " we have made an official presentation about the complaint to the european commission 愈来愈多有关吃鱼,可预防心血管疾病的证据出现后,美国心脏协会亦在秋天的健康饮食建议中,鼓励民众每周至少要吃两次鱼,来改善因血栓而得局部缺血性中风的机率。 | | 2. | Following 1999s american gypsy : a stranger in everybodys land , dellal melds the traditional concert film with ethnography to stunning effect . tracking the 2001 us tzigane tour , the film features performances by taraf de haidouks who appeared in latcho drom , fanfare ciocarlia , esma redzepova , maharaja , and antonio el pipas flamenco ensemble Esma redzepova红透马其顿, maharaja是印度一邦之宝,罗马尼亚的taraf de haidouks和西班牙的antonio el pipa都是既爱音乐又顾家的爸爸;因篷车队之名,他们相聚一起,踏上北美之行。 |
- Similar Words:
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