| 1. | Everything would seem waiting and expectant . 一切似乎都在等待和企望着。 |
| 2. | Stumpy stepped before the expectant crowd . 斯顿皮一步跨到等着看热闹的人群面前。 |
| 3. | Rosedale still stood before her in an expectant attitude . 罗西德仍有所期待地站在她面前。 |
| 4. | There was a stir in the air and a sense of expectant gaiety . 这里气氛活跃,充满了寻欢作乐的情调。 |
| 5. | Even the coconut trees seemed swollen and expectant . 连椰子树都似乎憋得头昏脑胀,巴望能舒上一口气。 |
| 6. | An expectant mother with a first baby should avoid such a strain . 一个即将做母亲的初产妇,应该避免这样的劳累。 |
| 7. | His voice was mild but it had an expectant fearful quality in it . 他的口气很婉转,但是听得出有些担心而暗带提防的意思。 |
| 8. | On the instant those at the table were keyed up and expectant to him . 席上的人们一下子鼓起劲儿来了,对他眼巴巴地望着。 |
| 9. | The house had an expectant air and i caught whispered talk of "what is to become of her children? " 家里出现了一种观望的气氛,我听到他们窃窃私语着:“她的孩子怎么办呢?” |