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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

商品分级管理 method of differentiated man...
商品包装 commodity packaging
商品包装保护标志 protective mark
商品化 commercialize
商品协定 commodity agreement
商品可供量 commodity availability
商品吸引力 holding power
商品周转 merchandise turnover
商品展销会 commodity sales exhibition
商品差价 price difference of commodit...
商品差额 merchandise balance
商品平均成本 average commodity cost
商品库存 commodity stocks
商品总量 total volume of commodities
商品成本 merchandise cost
商品房产 commercial building property
商品所有制 commodity ownership
商品拜物教 commodity fetishism
商品损耗 commodity wastage
商品援助 commodity aid
商品搭配 a tie-in sale
商品收到确认 confirmation of receipt of m...
商品期货 commodity futures
商品本质 inherent nature of commoditi...
商品材 merchantable timber
商品标准化 commodity standardization
商品检验 commodity inspection
商品检验局证明书 commodity inspection bureau ...
商品检验机构 commodity inspection agency
商品检验证 inspection and testing certi...
商品比价 parity rate of commodity
商品法 law of the staple
商品流动分析 commodity flow analysis
商品流向 flow of commodity
商品流转 commodity circulation
商品流通 circulation of commodities
商品流通体系 commodity circulation system
商品流通总额 total value of commodities i...
商品流通渠道 commodity circulation channe...
商品流通税 commodity circulation tax
商品流通费用 cost in commodity circulatio...
商品清算制 goods clearing system
商品渔业 commerical fishery
商品率 commodity rate
商品生产 commodity production
商品生产必须符合社会需要 Production of the goods must...
商品生产者 commodity producers
商品目录 catalogue
商品目录价格 catalogue price
商品禀 commodity tax
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