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go about one’s business
从事某人的事业  detail>>
go about your own business
忙于你自己的事业  detail>>
go about
 短语和例子   Go about your business! 走开,干你的事去! A story is going about that.... 风传…)。...  detail>>
go about(to)
流动  detail>>
go on about
唠唠叨叨地谈..  detail>>
go into business
从商 从事商业 经商 下海 潇洒一回  detail>>
go on business
出差  detail>>
go to business
入实业界做生意  detail>>
at one go
一口气  detail>>
go to one
上头上脸,冲昏头脑  detail>>
in one go
一口气  detail>>
one go
他叹了一口气慢慢地坐到位子上  detail>>
go on errand; go on a business trip
出差  detail>>
about the woodlands i will go
我这就向林中出发  detail>>
go a long way about
绕很多路  detail>>
go about begin to work at
着手  detail>>
go about doing
着手, 开始工作  detail>>
go about doing sth
处理某事物  detail>>