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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

宗筋 urogenital region
宗筋之会 confluence of tendons
宗跳 clan pedigree
government official
官价 official price
官价汇率 official rate of exchange
官佐 noncommissioned officer
官俸 official emoluments public
官倒 official speculation
官僚 bureaucrat
官僚主义 bureaucracy
官僚主义可说是我们的心腹之患 Bureaucracy may be said as a...
官僚主义恶习 bureaucratic evil practice
官僚主义的种种弊端 maladies of bureaucracy
官僚习气 habitual practice of bureauc...
官僚化 bureaucratization
官僚政治 bureaucracy
官僚机构 bureaucratic apparatus
官僚架子 bureaucratic airs
官僚理论 bureaucratic theory
官僚资产阶级 bureaucrat bourgeoisie
官僚资本 bureaucrat capital
官僚资本主义 bureaucrat capitalism
官兵 officers and men
官兵一致 unity between officers and m...
官兵关系 relationship between officer...
官兵勤务手册 roster
官兵团结 unity between officers and m...
官制 bureaucratic establishment
官办 run by the government
官办工会 goverment controlled trade u...
官卑职小 petty official
官司 lawsuit
官吏 government officials
官员 official
官员们对于会谈情况保持缄默 The officials maintained a w...
官商作风 style of bureaucratic trader...
官场 officialdom
官场得意 successful in one's official...
官场积习 tradition of official circle...
官复原职 be reinstated
官官相护 Officials shield one another...
官宦人家 a family that has produced p...
官居极品 an official of the highest r...
官工作风 style of "government industr...
官师 a surname
官师敬 Guanshi Jing
官府 the authorities official res...
官情纸薄 Human feelings of sympathy a...
官报私仇 officer avenges oneself
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