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have something at one’s fingertips
对…了如指掌  detail>>
have something on one’s hands
有待处理  detail>>
fingertips to-
指尖到-  detail>>
and have seen something
也看过  detail>>
have (something)to do with
和…有点关系 和…有(点)关系  detail>>
have a voice in something
对某事有发言权  detail>>
have an eye for something
对某事(某物体)了解得非常清楚 对某事了解得非常清楚  detail>>
have got to do something
必须做...某事  detail>>
have little mind to something
不很想(或不大想)做某事  detail>>
have no mind to do something
不想做某事,不打算做某事  detail>>
have no voice in something
对某事没有发言权  detail>>
have somebody doing something
让某人一直在干某事 让某人一直做某事  detail>>
have something (nothing) to do with
与…有(无)关  detail>>
have something done
让人(请人)做…… 让人做 使某事被做  detail>>
have something in common
具有共同点  detail>>
have something on sb
掌握某人的一些事实  detail>>
have something on the ball
颇有本事 有些本事  detail>>
have something to do
有某事要做  detail>>