| 1. | He is shocked into killing them and starts on a rampage murder 每晚都打电话缠扰她,并且称是凶手。 |
| 2. | When he defeats chung , he is shocked by his own powre 鹏惊讶弯刀刀法如此厉害,顿时野心大增,决要问鼎武林。 |
| 3. | He is shocked 他受到了打击 |
| 4. | When yi han receives his credit card bill , he is shocked to discover that mei qi has has chalked up lavish spending 一汉接到信用卡帐单,发现美七所刷的卡费竟然比他的月薪还要高。 |
| 5. | Li xin accidentally discovers a love letter from the king to hui zheng gong . he is shocked by the immoral behaviour 李信在明善堂无意间看到了皇上当年写给惠正宫的情书,发现二人曾有一段私情,感到十分震惊。 |
| 6. | Just when he wants to find out more , he is shocked to see that her daughter is hit by a truck right before his eyes , which is exactly the same as the newspaper reported 正当他在疑惑之际,女儿突被货车撞死,应验了报纸的报导。三上和妻子酒井法子因此事离婚,三上陷入痛苦之中。 |
| 7. | Just when he wants to find out more , he is shocked to see that her daughter is hit by a truck right before his eyes , which is exactly the same as the newspaper reported 正当他在疑惑之际,女儿突被货车撞死,应验了报纸的报导。三上和妻子酒井法子因此事离婚,三上陷入痛苦之中。 |
| 8. | M . d epinay must say that he is shocked and astonished that m . de villefort , who appeared to be aware of all the circumstances detailed this morning , should not have anticipated him in this announcement . 弗兰兹伊皮奈先生感到维尔福先生好像早已经知道今天早晨所讲的那件事,但毕竟没有料到会出现这么一种宣布,弗兰兹先生深表震惊。 ” |