| 1. | 4 . check hair regularly for any signs of head lice 4 .定期检查头发,看是否有头虱的踪迹。 |
| 2. | There are three stages of head lice : eggs , nymphs and adults 头虱的生长分3个时期:卵蛹及成虫。 |
| 3. | People who have contracted head lice present with itchy scalp 染上头虱的人会出现头皮痕痒的症状。 |
| 4. | People who are suspected to have head lice should consult their doctors 怀疑患上头虱的人应向医生求诊。 |
| 5. | E - resources - head lice 网上资源-头虱 |
| 6. | Keep your hair clean to prevent head lice . dispose of used tissues into a covered rubbish bin 用过的纸巾须放在有盖的垃圾桶内 |
| 7. | Under careful inspection , eggs of head lice can be found at the bottom of the hair near the scalp 若仔细检验,可在患者头发底层近头皮处发现头虱卵的踪迹。 |
| 8. | 5 . household contacts and close personal contacts of infected people should be screened for head lice 5 .患者的家庭成员及与患者有亲密接触的人士应接受检查,以确定是否患上头虱。 |
| 9. | Head lice are transmitted through direct contact with infested people or sharing their personal items such as combs and headgears 头虱可通过直接与受感染者接触,或与其共用梳子或头饰等个人物品而传播。 |
| 10. | Medicated lotion shampoo will be prescribed to kill the head lice and the patients should use a fine - tooth comb to remove the eggs 医生会处方药性洗液或洗头水,把头虱杀灭,患者并应使用密梳子把卵清除。 |