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high way man’s hitch
登山结  detail>>
man way
人行道  detail>>
as a polite way of referring to a man
用作对男子的尊称  detail>>
right-of-way man
铺管权契约员  detail>>
a wilful man will have his way
顽强者定会成功 一本坏书危害无穷  detail>>
the way he proves himself a man
他证明了自己一个人  detail>>
dhw data high way
数据高速公路  detail>>
high rise express way
高架快速路  detail>>
high way hole tax
公路隧道通行税  detail>>
high way maintenance tax
养路税  detail>>
hw high way
高速信号线  detail>>
one-lane high way
单车道公路  detail>>
 vi.  1.被挂住,被钩住。 2.一颠一簸地移动,跛行,蹒跚。 3.〔美俚〕搭便车(= hitchhike)。 4.〔口语〕和好,协调。...  detail>>
a man of high standing
身分高的人  detail>>
high goal man
高分队员  detail>>
high post man
外策应队员  detail>>
the knee-high man
膝盖高的人  detail>>
the man in the high castle
高堡奇人 高堡奇士 高城中的男人  detail>>