| 1. | Primitive tribes lived by fishing , hunting and gathering . 原始部落靠渔猎采集为生。 |
| 2. | Was hunting and gathering and huddiing around fires 而当时大多数人类还处在茹毛饮血,刀耕火种的年代 |
| 3. | Was hunting and gathering and huddiing around fires 而当时大多数人类还处在茹毛饮血,刀耕火种的年代 |
| 4. | Hunting and gathering was practised by all tribesmen but guided by very strict traditional conservation strategies combined with sustainable environmental plans embedded in taboos and myths 所有部落的人都从事狩猎和采摘,不过这些活动均遵守非常严格的传统保护战略,再结合蕴藏于禁忌和神话中的可持续环境计划。 |
| 5. | Their population is increasing , but acculturation and intermarriages have changed their traditional life - style to such an extent that today there are probably less than 3000 basarwa living permanently by hunting and gathering 他们的人口在不断增加,但同化过程和通婚改变了他们传统的生活方式,如今可能只有不到3000名巴萨瓦族人终生以狩猎和采摘为生。 |
| 6. | The first villages came with the emergence of agriculture and the domestication of animals : people no longer had to wander as they hunted and gathered but could instead draw together in settlements , allowing some to develop particular skills and all to live in greater safety from predators 第一个乡村产生伴随着农业和驯养业的出现:人们不再需要因狩猎和收集粮草而到处奔波,取而代之的是群居生活,这样有利于个人特殊技能的提升,并保护所有人免受野兽侵犯,生活更加安逸。 |