| 1. | The muddy water has a choppy and irregular surface . 泥水表面波浪滔滔且不规则。 |
| 2. | The light showed nothing beyond an irregular surface of snow . 灯光没有照到任何东西,除了那崎岖不平的雪地表面。 |
| 3. | New exploration of outspreading in irregular surfaces 扭变曲面展开的新探 |
| 4. | These adjectives apply to what is not smooth but has a coarse , irregular surface 这些形容词指不光滑、粗糙或不平整的表面。 |
| 5. | This tape is pliable and tough shear retardant , cloth based . the adhesive are natural rubber , suit for irregular surface , of good adhesion and no residue leaving when torn off 本品为柔韧的抗剪切布基,胶系为天然橡胶,可粘贴在不规则表面,粘性强,揭去时不留残胶。 |
| 6. | The ccd - 80 series scanner is an ergonomic design hand - held bar code reading and decoding device . it reads label on any flat , curved or irregular surface Ccd - 80扫描器系列具有良好的人体工学设计和良好的解码器,他可以阅读在任何材质平面上的条码或是弯曲或是印刷于不平的表面的条码。 |
| 7. | The products is particularly suitable for trimming weld seems . due to the chara - cter of its flexibility , it has a perfect effection on curving irregular surfaces 可弯曲砂轮又名可弯曲不锈钢磨片、弹性磨片,适合对氩弧焊口的磨削,具有一定程度的可弯曲性能,对弧形不规则面的抛磨作业有独到之处。 |
| 8. | The fellow eye of 11 patients had abnormal macular appearance , 4 presented with macular hole , and the others showed irregular surface , central yellowish deposits , mottling change , or pseudomacular hole 黄斑裂孔的成因是向多数因子所促成,诸如构造的薄弱,血液循环不足,老化,以及玻璃体的牵引等。 |
| 9. | Results secondary blepharoplasty were done in 2 cases with irregular surfaces and 1 case with asymmetrical skin incision ; 3 cases had ecchymosis and 2 cases had separation of eyelid from eyeball in early stage which completely disappeared later ; the others had satisfactory results 结果2例患者因双侧下睑区不规则膨出, 1例患者下睑切口位置高低不一,进行了再次整复术; 3例患者早期下睑皮肤瘀斑明显, 2例患者早期有轻度睑球分离,随着时间的延长,症状都消失;其余患者都取得了满意的效果。 |