| 1. | The evil is now irremediable . 这种不幸现在是无法补救了。 |
| 2. | He is faced with the fact of an irremediable marital breakdown 他面临着不可挽救的婚姻破裂的事实。 |
| 3. | Become in this problem before irremediable , he thinks of a method to prevent 在这个问题变得不可收拾之前,他想到一个方法阻止。 |
| 4. | If green water unfortunately appears , it is generally irremediable ; it is better to start all over again 如果不幸产生绿水,那就要重新再来孵育了。 |
| 5. | But once the real estate bubbles broke and the real estate prices began to drop , losses incurred by these investing behaviors would be irremediable 但是一旦房产泡沫破灭,地产价格下跌,这些投资行为带来的损失将立杆见影。 |
| 6. | And if we take this biological view of life , no one but a conceited fool or an irremediable idealist can deny that human life can be lived like a poem 假如我们能从这种生物学角度来看待人生,除了傲慢自大的傻瓜和无可救药的理想主义者,谁又能否认,人生不可以像一首诗歌呢? |
| 7. | Among other irremediable reasons because we had not remembered a lien against the house that would not be taken care of until many years later , when a firm sale was made at last 有好些根本上的原因,其中之一是,我们一直没想起来这房子还得等很久才会彻底卖给我们,在那之前有条房产留置权不准我们转手。 |
| 8. | If the human resources are in good management , the effectiveness generated corresponds to geometric progression of resources put in , by contraries ; the company might suffer invaluable losses or irremediable damage 人力资源管理得好,它所取得的效益是资源投入的几何倍数,反之,它也是对公司效益无可估计的损失与难以弥补的损害。 |
| 9. | Elizabeth , particularly , who knew that her mother owed to the latter the preservation of her favourite daughter from irremediable infamy , was hurt and distressed to a most painful degree by a distinction so ill applied 其实她母亲对待这两位贵客完全是轻重倒置,因为她心爱的一个女儿多亏了达西先生的搭救,才能免于身败名裂,伊丽莎白对这事的经过知道得极其详细,所以特别觉得难受。 |
| 10. | A wet day was the expression of irremediable grief at her weakness in the mind of some vague ethical being whom she could not class definitely as the god of her childhood , and could not comprehend as any other 下雨的天气,就是她心灵中模糊的道德神灵对她的软弱所表达的不可挽救的悲伤,对于这个道德神灵,她既不能明确地把它归入她在童年时代信仰的上帝那一类里去,也弄不清楚它是其它的什么东西。 |