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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

恣得很 very comfortable
恣情 give free rein to one's pass...
恣情放纵 indulge oneself in passions
恣情纵欲 give up completely to natura...
恣意 unscrupulous
恣意妄为 perpetrate whatever evils on...
恣意孤行 act wilfully
恣意掠夺别国的资源 indulge in unbridled plunder...
恣意歪曲 distort wilfully
恣意行乐 have one's fling
恣意践踏 arrogantly to trample on sb.
恣意践踏别国领土 wilfully trample on the terr...
恣所欲为 do whatever one pleases to d...
恣睢 reckless
恣睢暴戾 extremely cruel and despotic
恣纵 indulge in sensual pleasures
恣肆 unrestrained
恣行无忌 act wilfully and unscrupulou...
恤由 Xu You
恤金 pension for a disabled perso...
feel ashamed
恨不得 very anxious to
恨不得插翅回家 wish only if one grow wings ...
恨不相逢未嫁时 regret meeting a true lover ...
恨之入骨 hate someone to the core
恨事 a matter for regret
恨人 a misanthrope
恨入骨髓 hate to the marrow
恨动 hate
恨天怨地 utter maledictions against t...
恨如头醋 as bitter as the sourest vin...
恨得咬牙切齿 grind one's teeth with hatre...
恨得牙痒 gnash one's teeth with hatre...
恨得直咬牙 gnash one's teeth in hatred ...
恨得要命 burning with inveterate hatr...
恨晚 regret that sth. happened to...
恨海 deep hatred
恨海无边 a sea of eternal regrets
恨海难填 The sea of hatred is hard to...
恨透了 hate to the utmost degree
恨铁不成钢 be exasperated at sb.'s fail...
恩义 spiritual debt
恩人 benefactor
恩人自居 play the benefactor
恩仇 debt of gratitude and of rev...
恩仇未报 have not settled old account...
恩信相孚 bound by natural ties of kin...
恩典 favour
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