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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

干瞪眼 look on helplessly glower an...
干砂 dry sand
干砂型芯 baked core
干砂矿床 dry digging
干砂造型 dry sand moulding plastique
干砂金矿 dry placer
干砂铸件 dry sand casting
干砌 laid dry
干砌块石 placed rockfill
干砌墙 mortarless wall
干砌石 loose-stone
干砌砖 dry-brick
干砌衬壁 steening
干硬性 dry
干硬性混凝土 dry concrete
干硬性混合料 stiff mix
干碍 have to do with
干碎机 dry crushing mill
干禄 seek official position scold
干笑 hollow laugh
干粪 argol
干粮 solid food
干粮袋 haversack
干系 responsibility
干纺 dry spinning
干纺亚麻 dry spinning flax
干纺机 dry spinning frame
干纺纱 dry-spun yarn
干线 dryline
干线公路 arterial highway
干线电缆 trunk cable
干线网 arterial grid
干线通信 trunk communication
干线道路 arterial road
干线铁路 main line railway
干练 capable and experienced
干细胞 stem cells
干细胞性白血病 stem-cell leukemia
干结 dry and hard
干缩 air shrinkage
干群关系 relations between cadres and...
干耗 drying loss
干肉粉 ammonite
干肉饼 pemmican
干胁痛 dry hypochondrite
干脆 clear-cut
干脆利落 come straight to the point w...
干腌调味火腿 prosciutto
干舷 upperworks
干船坞 dry dock
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